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The Black Farmer Needs Land, Before America Can Be Grand

Before the RNC or DNC, the Black Farmer’s were in Washington, DC to support Eddie and Dorthy Wise v. The United States of America. On the path to restoring America’s greatness, have you ever noticed that General Motors is always the platform for the presidential pitch to the people to restore the economy?  Cars are great, but food is perhaps a better commodity, however it depends on whose crop you are consuming, and chances are it’s less likely to be the crop of the Black Farmer. Black Farmers have lost 13 million acres of land due to the aggression and discrimination of the USDA towards deeds held by the sovereign.  Presently, there are 1 million acres or more due to be foreclosed on through these practices of economic terrorism black farmers are facing from the Department of Agriculture.

In the current Supreme Court case of Eddie Wise & Dorothy Monroe-Wise v. United States of America, the question presented is for Congress to clarify its intent and provide moratorium relief for socially disadvantaged farmers.  In particular, the class members of Pigford v. Glickman are bound to exclusive jurisdiction and continuous discrimination jurisdiction of the agency law rules and regulations to deny black farmers the right to appear before the Administrative Law Judge and subsequently after the denial foreclosure on deeds in dispute?  The Wises are class members of Pigford v. Glickman whose family farm was foreclosed without a formal hearing on the merits pursuant to the 2007 Pigford Remedies Act and 2008 Food Energy Conservation Act.

The terms in the settlement includes an “opt-out” provision that provides the max of 120 days that be in writing by class members submitted to the courts.  Track A option was to provide less stringent requirement that provide an award of $50,000 and debt forgiveness on all loans between the aggrieved farmers and the USDA.  Track B provides more details of discrimination’s and a formal hearing before the adjudicator facilitator, monitor and later the Administrative Law Judge of the agency.  Office of Accountability stated that 14 thousand claims are unresolved regarding Black Farmers.  Secretary of Agriculture has yet to grant formal hearings before the Administrative Law Judge to aggrieved socially disadvantaged farmers.

Tom Vilsack confirmed by US Senate on January 20, 2009 as leader of the US Department of Agriculture.  According to the website Tom is working hard to strengthen the American agriculture economy, build vibrant rural communities and create new markets for the tremendous innovation of rural America.  Mr. Vilsack has made civil rights a top priority, reaching historic resolutions to all major past cases of discrimination brought against USDA by minority groups, and taking definitive action to move USDA into a new era as a model employer and premier service provider.

Perhaps USDA website thread has not received any updates from the courts as to clarifying the intent and provide moratorium relief for socially disadvantaged farmers being able to appear before the Administrative Law Judge.


Mindy Hill

Enjoys the Art of Living and Creating compelling content for years to come.

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