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DC Government Budget Season

 DC Government Budget Season:

The Mayor will release her proposed budget for the District government for the next fiscal year today. That budget will then be considered by the D.C. Council, which will hold a hearing for each agency to go over their proposed budget and make any changes.

Councilmember McDuffie is strongly encouraging Ward 5 residents to sign up to testify and allow your budget priorities to be heard.  To gain more information and to see a complete schedule of hearings, please visit this page on the DC Council website:  http://bit.ly/2oDhyCU.

 What are the hearing dates for each agency?

Councilmember McDuffie also has complete information about the hearing and ALL agencies hearing dates/times on his website: http://www.kenyanmcduffie.com/2018-council-budget-oversight-hearing-schedule/ .

 What are budget oversight hearings?

Every year, following the release of the Mayor’s proposed budget, the D.C. Council holds budget oversight hearings to review the proposed budget of each agency in the District of Columbia government.  Along with the leadership of the agencies, the public is invited to give testimony and comment.

 Why are they important?

This is truly one of the best opportunities for residents to speak directly to their priorities and how the government should spend its money.

 What is the process for submitting testimony?

Constituents wishing to testify should notify the contact for each committee via email or phone no less than 48 hours prior to the hearing.


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